Care Plans: Unlock Your Potential for Better Patient Outcomes

Are you a chiropractor who wants to develop the confidence and certainty to create effective care plans? Do you find yourself relying on outdated methods or following the lead of others without truly understanding the needs of your patients? It's time to break free from these limitations and unlock your potential with our comprehensive online course, "Care Plans."

What's Holding You Back?

Many chiropractors recommend care plans based on their past experience, their university education or the practices of their mentors. This information is often out of date, out of context, and not supported by the best available evidence. This can lead to suboptimal outcomes for patients. As a result, your patients are dissatisfied, your confidence suffers, and your practice may struggle. It's time to break free from these limitations and embrace a transformative journey toward developing your own clinical experience.

Introducing "Care Plans."

Our 4-week online program is specifically designed to help chiropractors like you gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to create care plans that truly address your patients' needs. We leave no stone unturned as we guide you through a step-by-step process that combines evidence-based research, best practices, and real-world application.

Here's what you can expect from "Care Plans."

  1. Comprehensive Content: Over four weeks, you'll receive over 7 hours of engaging video content. Each week, new content is released and support is given by way of a live Q&A webinar, where you can get your questions answered in real-time.
  2. Transformative Learning: We'll address the key mistakes that chiropractors commonly make in practice and provide you with practical tools to overcome them. Our focus extends beyond technical skills; we'll also delve into the psychological factors that impact your self-worth, fear of rejection, and projection. By addressing these challenges, you'll build a solid foundation for creating care plans with confidence.
  3. Compliance and Regulations: You'll gain a thorough understanding of the regulations under which chiropractors practice in Australia, ensuring that your care plans align with best practices and compliance requirements. This knowledge is crucial for providing exceptional care while avoiding legal pitfalls.
  4. Evidence-Based Approach: We'll explore the research and evidence that supports the appropriate use of care plans. By analysing real-world applications and sharing best practices, you'll gain the insights necessary to make informed decisions and provide the best possible care for your patients.
  5. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): As an Australian registered chiropractor, you understand the importance of meeting your CPD requirements. By participating in our course, and doing the recommended reading, you'll receive over 22 hours of CPD. This ensures that you not only enhance your skills but also fulfil your annual quota.*

* All article references covered throughout the course will be shared with participants in the form of links and written summaries. Where articles are available without the need for a license, they will be provided as PDFs. In other cases, participants will be required to purchase the articles from the relevant journals to respect licensing laws.

Unmatched Support and Ongoing Learning

Throughout the course, you'll have access to our weekly webinars, where you can ask questions, seek clarification, and connect with other like-minded professionals. We understand that learning doesn't end with the completion of the program, which is why we offer ongoing support even after the course concludes. You can reach out to me for one-on-one coaching sessions or phone calls to address any concerns or challenges you may face.

Join Our Growing Community of Successful Chiropractors

"Care Plans" has received rave reviews from chiropractors who have experienced remarkable results:

"As a chiropractor of 17 years and having colleagues involved in research, I had thought I was across the research. I had never seen the studies you presented and they were game-changing!" Dr Chris

 "After 26 years in practice, I really loved going through the research part of the course. I spent a lot of time some years ago trying to get some idea of effective doses of care for the most common problems and i struggled to find anything. I gave up and bumbled along with my own care plan frequencies.
It was really interesting to see the studies you've listed and i will definitely be reading them more in-depth when I get a chance. Thank you!" Dr J.

"I really resonated with this discussion around the current University/lecturer experience. I definitely felt leaving University that no one had wanted to discuss this as it was a ‘grey area’. However, as a new grad, I felt like I was just guessing and that can be really stressful when you feel passionate about providing a high level of care and you have a patient in front of you who trusts you, let alone it can take years and years to build that confidence up through trial/error alone. Craig has been very validating in regard to my concerns and he comes across as experienced, knowledgable and considering our profession can be very divided over these kinds of topics, Craig seems very approachable and open-minded. This gives me a lot of trust in his information and I would have loved a course like this as a new graduate." Dr Sonya


  • Week 1. We create context to have good discussions about Care Plans and we take the taboo energy out of it. We lay down some rules of engagement and definitions and start taking apart many of the common challenges associated with Care Plans.
  • Week 2. We review the rules and regulations as they relate to Care Plans. Participants are led through an exercise that helps them to develop their own "Care Plan Matrix" that is specific to their style of practice.
  • Week 3. We investigate the literature that addresses best practices for many things commonly seen in practice and consider what that means for you in your practice.
  • Week 4. We cover the application of what you have learned within the course and how to best implement it. We cover how to best overcome objections and ultimately you will have far greater certainty in practice.

Each week we also provide a live 30 min webinar to discuss any content covered in the course thus far, they are recorded and made available to all participants.
A "Recommended Reading List" of the 15 research articles covered is given to each participant with summaries to use for your CPD records. Full transcripts are also available. Where possible, article PDFs are provided.
Full recordings of previous class webinars are also made available in Week 4. 

Our Current Class Is Full

Investing in your development as a chiropractor is an investment in your future success. By enrolling in our "Care Plans" course, you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to create care plans that make a real difference in your patients' lives.

Enrol Now and Secure Your Spot!

Your investment is just 299USD

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Sign up here and we'll let you know when Care Plans is next on.

Still on the fence?

We understand that choosing the right course is a big decision. To ease your mind, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If after 14 days of the course and you don't feel it has provided you with valuable insights and practical tools, we'll refund your investment, no questions asked.

Unlock your potential and take your chiropractic practice to new heights. Enrol in the "Care Plans" course today!

Listen To Martin Talk With Craig About Care Plans

About Dr Craig Foote

Craig graduated in 1998 from RMIT. He is a co-founder of the Nervana Chiropractic Group and is based in Perth Australia.

He has been coaching chiropractors since 2003. He is the immediate Past President of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and served on the board for 9 years. He has been a member of the Clinical Advisory Panel since 2011.

He is a sought-after international speaker, having presented in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and the USA. He has taught on care plans since 2017 at the NZCC and is passionate about helping chiropractors become more certain in their care plans, and help their patients more.

Coaching with Craig involves one-on-one weekly calls in association with a great range of online modules. As an experienced coach, Craig can identify the key challenges clients are having and provide guidance towards success. He is currently coaching chiropractors in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the UK.

Craig is also the Past President of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and carried that role for 5 years and served on the board for 9. In his position, he directed more than $800,000 towards vitalistic chiropractic research.

In 2023 he was awarded the "ASRF John Hinwood Research Award" for his outstanding and significant contributions to the ASRF and the chiropractic community.